Bonnier Healthcare Event

Nordic Cancer Conference - see recording from the meeting

Monday October 7th in Stockholm from 10:00-16:00

Bonnier Healthcare, in collaboration with Nordic Cancer Union’s members, is proud to invite you to the Nordic Cancer Conference 2024. This prestigious event brings together top experts, researchers, and policymakers from across the Nordic countries to tackle one of the most critical healthcare challenges of our time: cancer.

The venue will take place in Stockholm, Bonnier Huset, Torsgatan 21. It is also possible to participate by streaming.


    10:00-10:30 Registration, on location in Stockholm

    For those participating digital – a streaming link will be sent out in separate email, and will start from 10:15, “LIVE” from 10:30  

    10:30-10:35 Welcome and short introduction 

    10:35-11:10 Potential on Nordic cancer collaboration – in the best interest of the patients.

    A talk between the Cancer Unions of the Nordic countries. Where does Nordic cooperation stand in 2024 – where will we be in 5 years? Moderated by Martin Gray, Editor in Chief, Dagens Medisin Norway, with Ole Alexander Opdalshei, Deputy Secretary General (Norway), Ulrika Årehed Kågström, Secretary General (Sweden), Juha Pekka Turunen, Secretary General (Finland), Halla Þorvaldsdóttir, Secretary General (Iceland), Heidi Smollerup Rasmussen, Chief Consultant (Denmark), and Durita Tausen, Secretary General (Faroe).

11:10-11:40 How will the new Nordic University Hospital Alliance (NUHA) add value to cancer patients across borders? A groundbreaking alliance between the largest Nordic university hospitals aims to ensure strong collaboration on common solutions to future healthcare challenges, benefiting patients across the Nordic countries. Jannick Brennum, Deputy Director and Director of the Center for Cancer and Organ Diseases, Rigshospitalet Copenhagen

11:40-12:15 Cancer strategy in the Nordic. Several are working on new strategy in their countries/market. What is common and differences among the Nordic countries. Kajsa Hanspers, Principal Secretary, Updated Cancer Strategy, Swedish Government Office, Ministry of Social Affairs, Helene Probst, Healthcare Director, Danish Regions, and Margareta Haag, Chair of the Swedish Network against cancer.

12:15-13:00 Lunch

13:00-13:30 The European Health Data Space Regulation. What does this mean for patient and cancer treatment in the Nordics? Irini Kessissoglou, PhD, Policy Officer at Digital Health, European Commission 

13:30-13:45 VALO - Value from Nordic health data. The VALO project, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, aims to establish shared principles in the Nordic countries for implementing the European Health Data Space regulations on secondary use of health data, streamline RDI activities and test the use of data across country borders. How will this help out towards cancer research in the Nordics? Markus Kalliola, Programme Director, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra

13:45-14:00 EUnetCCC and JANE2 – projects part of Europe Beating Cancer. Oslo University Hospital has been given NOK 140mill to participate in these two projects, will this give any benefit in a Nordic Collaboration? Sigbjørn Smeland, Professor II at Institute of Clinical Medicine UiO, Head of Division Cancer Clinic Oslo University Hospital

14:00-14:15 Short break

14:15-14:30 Clinical Trials – access across borders. New initiative on “Horizon EU Cancer Mission PRIME-ROSE-project” Gro Live Fagereng, PhD, Project Manager of the EU-project PRIME-ROSE, and Coordinator Precision Cancer Medicine at Oslo University Hospital Centre for Precision Cancer Medicine

14:30-15:00 Enrolling the immune system and data science to fight off cancer. While cancer therapy has made major progress over the years with more than 90 % of patients overcoming the disease in multiple cancer types, most patients still do not survive many cancer types. To change this, new therapeutic strategies are needed. Discovering new therapeutic strategies is challenging, but two recent trends could be about to radically transform cancer therapy. Jean Hausser, Principal Researcher at Karolinska Institutet

Who Should Attend?

    • Patient Advocates and Non-profits: Organizations and individuals committed to improving patient outcomes.
    • Healthcare Professionals: Doctors, nurses, and researchers focused on cancer care and treatment.
    • Policymakers and Government Officials: Those involved in shaping national and regional healthcare strategies.
    • Industry Experts: Professionals working in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and healthcare innovation.

The program is designed together with a reference group consisting of:

  • Norwegian Cancer Society, Ole Alexander Opdalshei – Deputy Secretary Genera
  • The Swedish Cancer Society, Ulrica Sundholm, Manager Knowledge & Support
  • The Danish Cancer Society: Heidi Smollerup Rasmussen, Chief Consultant policy and legal
  • Bonnier Healthcare Norway, Martin Gray – Editor in Chief Dagens Medisin, and moderator for the conference.

We are delighted to welcome you to our conference where leading experts, researchers, and policymakers from across the Nordic countries come together to address one of the most pressing health challenges of our time: cancer. We will focus on four key areas: prevention, cancer strategy, access to new medicines, clinical trials.

Why Attend?

The Nordic Cancer Conference is a unique opportunity to engage with thought leaders and decision-makers who are shaping the future of cancer prevention, treatment, and research in the Nordic region. You’ll gain insights into the latest strategies, advancements, and collaborations that are driving progress in cancer care and patient outcomes.

What to Expect:

  • Expert Insights from the leading figures in Nordic cancer organizations, governments, and hospitals.
  • In-Depth Discussions on the future of cancer care, including the latest in prevention, access to new medicines, and clinical trials.
  • Exclusive Updates on groundbreaking projects like the Nordic University Hospital Alliance and the European Health Data Space.

Key Themes:

  • Nordic Collaboration: How joint efforts in cancer care and research can benefit patients across borders.
  • Cancer Strategy: Insights into national cancer strategies across the Nordic region, highlighting both commonalities and differences.
  • Data & Innovation: Explore how the European Health Data Space and Nordic data-sharing initiatives can accelerate cancer research and improve patient outcomes.
  • Clinical Trials: Learn about new initiatives to improve cross-border access to cutting-edge cancer trials.

How to Participate:

Join us in-person in Stockholm or online via live streaming! If you're attending virtually, we will send you a streaming link ahead of the event.

🔗 Register Now to secure your spot at this must-attend event and be part of the conversation shaping the future of cancer care in the Nordics.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Nordic Cancer Conference and making strides together toward a healthier future.

If you have any questions regarding the program or tickets, please contact

Lise Hjertaas Nordic Business Director, Bonnier Healthcare Nordic

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